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Informes de seguridad alimentaria: Hialeah, Florida, United States


Reportes Recientes

It was 10pm (I usually eat at the last time ) and I decided to eat Burger King but my partner didn’t eat that so I was the only one. After eatting Burger King, about 4 hours late I was completely sick to the point that I can’t eat solid foods.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea

#burgerking #hialeah #florida #us #hamburguesa

I ate Southwest Style Shrimp Tacos w/ Cesar Salad on 5/28/18. A few hours after the meal I began to have severe diarrhea and vomiting. I felt nauseous throughout the next day.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Vómitos

#redlobster #hialeah #florida #us #ensalada #camarones

I eat a salad bowl with brown rice, veggie fajitas, steak,pico de gallo, cheese and guacamole an hour later I was feelong gosspump all over my body, 3 hour later I got diarrea, vomiting and fever. Its already 3 days and I cant recover, Im curreantly breastfeefing… Ver más

#chipotlemexicangrill #hialeah #florida #us #queso #guacamole #arroz #ensalada #filete #vegetariano #arrozintegral #cuenco

Me comí un burrito de pollo y pizza mexicana alrededor de 18000 EST. Empecé a tener calambres epigástricos alrededor de 2100 EST. Han empezado a aparecer más síntomas con el tiempo. Náuseas, vómitosx7, diarrea y dolor de cabeza. Son las 0230 y sigo abrazando el inodoro.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Náusea, Vómitos, Gas, Obstáculo, Cefalea

#tacobell #hialeah #florida #us #burrito #pollo #mexicano #pizza #burritodepollo

Moments after eating at this restaurant, I started having cold sweats and felt like passing out, the whole night was me using the bathroom with vomiting and diarrhea. Had to get an IV at the hospital due to the amount of fluid I lost during this.  | Síntomas: Diarrea, Fiebre, Vómitos

#tacobell #hialeahgardens #florida #us #norovirus

Went to eat dinner around 7pm with Family and friends a group of 4 adults and 7 kids, we are ate different things, I had the meat lasagna, the others had mushroom ravioli, meat spaghetti, Fettuccini and something else, the 4 adults and 2 kids got sick… Ver más

#olivegarden #hialeah #florida #us #hongo #espagueti #carne