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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: Arvada, Colorado, United States

Mise à jour:

Rapports récents

Ordered the Popcorn chicken with ranch dip. The chicken tasted and looked as if it was a month old. I only ate about 4 bites and threw it in the garbage. The ranch dressing had an off taste as well! Within about 5 minutes, I became very… Voir plus

#kfc #arvada #colorado #us #poulet #maïssoufflé

At 1:48 pm i ordered a 1/4 lb plain and a caramel frappe with extra caramel. When they gave me the frappe i asked if i could get more caramel. I then heard some not in the window say something in a sarcastic tone or angry to. Not shu  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Douleur d'estomac

#mcdonalds #arvada #colorado #us

I purchased an earthbound Farm Caesar salad kit last Saturday. I ate it that evening and then woke up a few hours later and vomited all night. I have gotten sick from this before but since I wasn’t 100% sure this was the culprit I decided to… Voir plus

#leftovers #costco #arvada #colorado #us #salade #saladecésar

we ate a Turkey Bacon Ranch fresh market sandwitch My husband and I both shared a Turkey Bacon Ranch Fresh sandwitches, and we started getting the sweats and nausea about a hour after we ate and then we ended up puking about 10 minutes after that and… Voir plus

#arbys #arvada #colorado #us #bacon #turquie

Chicken, I ate the food. Only me. I got sick 3 hours after eating it. First was body cramps. Then chills. Then vomiting and diarreah. Then every hour for the next 24 hours i vomited  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Crampes, Frissons

#popeyes #arvada #colorado #us #poulet

Order #66 was mild chicken, biscuit and cole slaw. About 1:30 I began having abdominal pain. Now at 3PM, it continues getting worse. If my 92 year old mother had eaten this, she would be in the hospital. I buy and take her lunch often. I am… Voir plus

#popeyes #arvada #colorado #us #hôpital #biscuit #poulet

Ordered a spicy chicken sandwich with pepper jack cheese. Indigestion all night followed by extreme nausea in the morning. Diarrhea and fever are still going on 8 hours after eating.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, L'indigestion

#chickfila #arvada #colorado #us #fromage #poulet #poivre #sandwich #sandwichaupoulet