Joined: منذ 7 سنوات
I work as a driver for BOCES. I had a hard time with Diarrhea From the Meatball Pizza. It Just wouldn't Stop. My employer didn't believe me that I was feeling sick, until Then I told them about the Meatball Pizza fro, Boccelli's.. They could all relate.
للمساعدة في ضمان الحل السريع، يرجى تضمين بريد إلكتروني للاتصال و/أو رقم هاتف في حالة الحاجة إلى المتابعة. نحن لا نشارك معلومات المستخدم.
للحصول على إشعار عند حل مخاوفك، يرجى تقديم بريدك الإلكتروني و/أو هاتفك. نحن لا نشارك معلومات المستخدم.
يرجى ملء المعلومات
تقرير سلامة الغذاء: Cafe Boccelli's, North Jerusalem Road, East Meadow, NY, United States
I work as a driver for BOCES.
I had a hard time with Diarrhea From the Meatball Pizza. It Just wouldn't Stop.
My employer didn't believe me that I was feeling sick,
until Then I told them about the Meatball Pizza fro, Boccelli's..
They could all relate.