User profile: user-jxcwr621
Ate approximately 6pm, I ate chicken nuggets. They were very hot so I suspected that they were cooked all the way and kept to the proper temperature. either someone didn’t wash their hands, or they didn’t follow food safety guidelines.
Me, my mom and brother all at chicken and we all ended up throwing up later on in the evening from it.
أكلت حوالي الساعة 5 مساءً في 7/11/18. كان لدي بيتزا بيبروني على طراز بروكلين وتقلبات خبز الثوم. بدأت الأعراض حوالي الساعة 8:30 مساءً في 7/11/18 وشملت الغثيان والقيء والقشعريرة والهبات الساخنة والحمى.