User profile: user-khzq3833

Joined: 2 years ago

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Lucky Charms

Foods eaten:

Lucky Charms


My husband and 4 year old both had 4-5 days of horrible diarrhea and lack of appetite after eating lucky charms. My 2 year old had the same plus a fever over 101 for 24 hrs. I am the only one in our home who did not eat lucky charms and I am the only one who has not had symptoms.


Food Safety Report: Lucky Charms, Franklin, WI, USA

UPDATE 2 year old is still vomiting 4 days after her last bowl of lucky charms. no appetite. anti nausea medicine prescribed.

Food Safety Report: Lucky Charms, Woodman's Food Market, East Main Street, Waukesha, WI, USA

YES!! The color!!! That was the first thing I noticed with my toddler. I thought maybe it was from
the dye in the marshmallows but didn’t think she had actually gotten sick from *cereal* until hearing about how wide spread this is just now.