User profile: user-mzht2167
طلبت علبة كومبو. شعرت أنني بخير، وبعد بضع ساعات، تقيأت وانتهى بي الأمر إلى كسر الأوعية الدموية حول عيني بسبب مدى عنفي الذي كنت أتقيأ فيه.
Ordered a chili dog box lunch on break and have been to the bathroom 4 times in about 3 hours with nothing but straight diarrhea.
I bought ground chuck to make burgers, and got the freshly ground meat. I made the burgers and right after I got done, I felt horrible and nauseous. Now I've been throwing up for about 8 hours. Could they be mixing old meat with new meat to get rid of it?