
我妈妈昨天中午左右在溜球上有一罐 OUI 酸奶。她说的味道很奇怪,所以她只吃了一部分然后扔掉。那天晚上 10 点左右,她开始打破可怕的腐烂的鸡蛋气味,然后肚子抽筋。一夜之间她有腹泻,扔了 5 次,发烧 100.6。


食品安全报告: Chick-fil-A,东格雷普韦恩米尔斯圈,德克萨斯州格雷普韦恩,美国

Hi! There is an E. Coli break out in chopped Romaine Lettuce. Blood in the stool is a symptom of E. Coli. Call that Chick-fil-a and ask if they used chopped romaine lettuce! And see a doctor.

食品安全报告: Chick-fil-A, East Renner Road, Richardson, TX, USA

I'd check and see if it was Romaine lettuce you were served. If it was, I bet you could sue with the big Romaine Lettuce E. Coli outbreak going on.