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Bericht zur Lebensmittelsicherheit: Tasty Fast Food & Grocery, 6645 S Halsted St , Chicago, Il, USA.

vor 4 Jahren source chicago.gov geschäft


6645 South Halsted Street, Chicago, 60621 Illinois, United States

Report date: Feb 19, 2020
37. Food properly labeled; original container
- comments: violation codes: 3-302. 12 inspector comments: must label food storage containers when food is not in original package.

38. Insects, rodents, & animals not present
- comments: violation codes: 6-202. 15 inspector comments: observed an appx. '1/2-3/4' gap along bottom of ear door. Must make door tight fitting

41. Wiping cloths: properly used & stored
- comments: violation codes: 3-304. 14 inspector comments: must store soiled wiping cloths in a sanitizing solution.

47. Food & non-food contact surfaces cleanable, properly designed, constructed & used
- comments: must remove rust from lower shelves of prep tables.

49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: violation codes: 4-601. 11(c) inspector comments: must clean debris build up from meat slicer,knife caddy

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: violation codes: 6-201. 13 inspector comments: must repair or replace missing and damaged floor tiles throughout premises,loose wall outlets. Must seal gaps in wall bases throughout , damaged wall in toilet room and where needed.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: violation codes: 6-201. 16 inspector comments: must remove tape lined up on walls in side storage area,under hand sink in prep area and make smooth and easily cleanable

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: violation codes: 6-201. 11 inspector comments: must clean excessive food debris and dirt from walls,ceilings throughout premises.

56. Adequate ventilation & lighting; designated areas used
- comments: violation codes: 6-202. 11 inspector comments: must provide adequate lighting and light shields throughout prep areas and storage.

59. Previous priority foundation violation corrected
- comments: previous priority foundation violations from report #2359852 2/4/20 not corrected ##37- observed chicken flour not properly labeled in prep area. Instructed manager to label all bulk containers. #39-observed facility utilizing cardboard in reach in coolers. Must remove cardboard and maintain. #44- observed items stored on floor through out facility (single use items in boxes) food items etc. . Must store items 6 inches from floor. #47- observed cutting boards in facility heavily scored, dark grooves and food debris. Must replace and maintain. #49- observed accumulated dust and debris throughout the facility on various shelves and counters. Instructed to clean and sanitize all areas. #49- 4-602. 13 observed grease and dust buildup on fryers, oven, grill, prep tables, etc. All food and non-food contact surfaces shall be kept free of accumulation of dust, dirt, and food debris. #55- observed accumulation of unnecessary items and articles and equipment in facility front prep area; excessive and improper storage in rear storage area and food prep area; creating a harborage conditions for rodents. Instructed person in charge to remove excess storage not needed on a daily basis, remove old unused equipment, properly store all items six inches from floor and wall and detail clean throughout entire facility. #56- observed hood not cleaned accumulation of grease, food debris, and dust in front prep area. Must clean and maintain. (priority 7-42-090)

59. Previous priority foundation violation corrected
- comments: previous priority foundation violation not corrected from report #2359852 2/4/20 #38- still observing evidence of appx. 100 or more mice and rat droppings on floor behind to front reach in glass cooler,under crate across front same cooler,at motor of deli display unit,on floor under cashier area,on floor in between clutter in side storage room,on floor next to reach in cooler ,on floor along wall base behind prep table and chest freezer,inside of fryer cabinets,under grill table,behind and under shelving unit in rear storage area and upper storage landing area, behind all chest freezers. Motors at all coolers. Must remove droppings. Clean and sanitize areas. Recommended to have a pest control operator to service premises on or after 2/19/20. (priority 7-42-090)

Source: chicago.gov

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