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    تقرير سلامة الغذاء: Bill Bentley Pub, Phuket International Airport Mai Khao Phuket Thailand.

    منذ 7 سنوات reported by user-yczhf157 عمل

    Bill Bentley Pub, Phuket International Airport Mai Khao Phuket Thailand

    Mai Khao, 83110 Phuket, Thailand

    My daughter and our family ate at the Bill Bentley Pub restaurant prior to our departure to Shanghai. We had order a spaghetti for my daughter. When we received our food, it was cold. We didn’t think anything of it and my daughter proceeded to finish her meal. Prior to boarding our flight, my daughter immediately complained that her stomach aches. We didn’t think much of it, until during our flight, she vomited and had diarrhea at the same time. Her throw up primarily comprised of her spaghetti meal. During our flight from Shanghai to Los Angeles she developed a fever and didn’t have an appetite for food while complaining that her stomach ached badly. I just want to share this with you since I don’t want anyone to have to go through this. I feel that the preparation of her spaghetti was the direct cause of her food poisoning. Please, please make sure that this restaurant be evaluated on the meals that they prepare for their customers. | الأعراض: إسهال, حمى, غثيان, قيء

    #airports #maikhao #phuket #thailand #سباغيتي


    Oh i'm so so sorry to hear that. I'm sure she felt better. I just found this site as i was looking for like a website for this place. We just had lunch there prior to my brother and duaghter departure to Bkk. We also had pasta and burger and a chicken fried rice. We didn't enjoy the food and the service sucks. The staff are not even smiling. Obviously they charge too much coz it's airport price but atleast they make their service, food and faces happy. No wonder that place is very quiet. I hope that Bill Bently Pub at Phuket airport will soon to close. It doesn't deserve to be there. It's better to replace other resto or fast food. It's more friendly.

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