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Suspected food poisoning. Symptoms: Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting, Fever
Suspected source: Not sure
Onset: Less than 4 hours
Duration: 12 to 24 hours
Duration: Several days
Sick: 4 people
Additional information: 3 sick from dinner buffet. 1 more severely ill 2 days later from room service hamburger

#hotel #rivieramaya #quintanaroo #mexico #hamburger

Family stay at Hard Rock in late June 2024. 9 of 15 in our group are sick with diarrhea, cramps, gas/bloating, nausea, fatigue. Symptoms come and go for two weeks now. Two people have been diagnosed with the parasite Giardia however we’re awaiting stool sample results.  | Symptoms: Nausea, Diarrhea, Stomach Pain, Cramps, Bloating, Fatigue, Gas

#hotel #rivieramaya #quintanaroo #mexico #doctorvisit

That’s damned widespread panic concert… it got so many of us! Did anyone else notice how the chefs weren’t wearing masks in the courtyard until day 2-3? Just found it odd that something changed and they didn’t tell us why.  | Symptoms: Nausea, Diarrhea, Stomach Pain, Cramps, Chills, Headache

#hotel #rivieramaya #quintanaroo #mexico

24 hours after arriving at the hotel, I sh*t my pants running for the bathroom. Did not eat or drink anything between the airport and hotel. Next day had violent diarrhea, ended up sh**ting the bed in my sleep. Sick for the entire duration of my stay.… See more

#hotel #rivieramaya #quintanaroo #mexico #campylobacter