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    تقرير سلامة الغذاء: Majestic Elegance Punta Cana, Carretera El Macao - Arena Gorda, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

    منذ 5 سنوات reported by user-ddkwt799 عمل

    Majestic Elegance Punta Cana, Carretera El Macao - Arena Gorda, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

    Carretera El Macao - Arena Gorda, Punta Cana, 23000 La Altagracia, Dominican Republic

    I was there, with a business group, on a trip we won, as business owners, making higher sales, with other similar owners. Our reward was a trip to the Majestic Elegance Punta Can, in the Dominican Republic. It was held the last week of January 2016. At the beginning of the week, I was fine, then, two days later I got deathly sick. I had a high fever, and could not stop vomiting, being extremely nauseaus, and had constant diarhea. I was NEVER SICK LIKE THIS BEFORE. I couldn't get it to stop, for two days. I kept trying to take high doses of immodium, and other similar things, and still it wouldn't stop. I couldn't leave the room, most of the time, was completely dehydrated and exhausted. Finally, on Thursday morning, I showed up at the resort doctor's office, as soon as it opened, around 6 or 7 a.m. that morning. The doctor spoke some English but the nurses did not. I told him how bad I was, and that I couldn't get it to stop. He put me on intravenous drugs and fluids for several hours, and gave me everything like anti nausea, anti gas, very high doses of anti bacterial, and other things to balance out my system. I just laid there asleep, with no energy. When he was done, he gave me more, very heavy antibioltics, anti naseau, drugs to take, for the rest of the week and beyond. I did tell the company that I was with, how bad I had gotten, and I found out that other people in our group had gotten very sick there as well. When we got home, my 20 year old son, who was with it,got very sick and suffered from it for the coming week, with the same symptoms I had. Fortunately, because my son told me that he was sick too, I called his college infirmary, and they proceeded to immediately give him strong drugs to try to knock out the infection, nauseau, diarrhea, etc. The only reason I didn't sue the resort, was becasue my corporate company had paid for it, and I felt uncomfortable making a big deal, when they had paid for it. The is the honest truth, and the reports that other people are posting and talking about completely correspond to what I suffered. I wonder if I hadn't got the power drugs I got to fight it, if I would have been another one of these victims. | الأعراض: إسهال, حمى, غثيان, قيء, غاز

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #زيارةالطبيب

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