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    تقرير سلامة الغذاء: Olive Garden Italian Restaurant, South Interstate 35 East, Denton, TX, USA.

    منذ 6 سنوات reported by user-tvwhx674 عمل

    Olive Garden Italian Restaurant, South Interstate 35 East, Denton, TX, USA

    2809 South Interstate 35 East, Denton, 76210 Texas, United States

    Baked ziti.. within 20 minutes I felt terrible. My stomach was turning and had been for over a day now. | الأعراض: غثيان

    #olivegarden #denton #texas #unitedstates #مخبوزة


    I am sorry to hear of your illness. We will investigate the restaurant's kitchen in the hopes of discovering what may have made you ill, and have it corrected before others become ill as well. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Kevin Cummings Chief Health Inspector City of Denton, TX 940-349-8372


    Complaint Inspection showed a well run kitchen with no obvious food preperation errors. All coolers were below 40F with thermometers in each. Prepared foods were stored correctly and had time/date stickers or labels Steam tables and warmers were all above 175F with thermometers and the staff had temp logs for each day. Food Contact surfaces were clean, and utelnsils well stored. Dish machine reached 170F and sanitizers were within normal strength dilution. One hand sink was blocked by service pans and noted on the inspection results. Kevin Cummings, Chief Health Inspector City of Denton, Texas 940-349-8372

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