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    تم وضع تقريرك في قائمة الانتظار - قد تستغرق معالجة تقريرك ما يصل إلى 12 ساعة.


    {النتيجة_النهائية|تقرير سلامة الغذاء} - Portofino Italian Restaurant، Merrimack New Hampshire

    منذ 5 سنوات reported by user-ppnw9779 عمل

    Portofino Italian Restaurant, Daniel Webster Highway, Merrimack, NH, USA

    456 Daniel Webster Highway, Merrimack, 03054 New Hampshire, United States

    My wife, 6 year old daughter, and I went to Portifino on Saturday, March 16 at approximately 20:00. We ordered fried mozzarella, calamari, spaghetti w/marinara, lobster ravioli, and (2) gelato based desserts. We were also served complementary bread w/ butter and olive oil dip.

    While dining, I noticed a lot of foot traffic from the kitchen staff to and from the kitchen. To be clear, I’m referring to the cooks and not waitresses. I thought this seemed unusual, but I didn’t think much of it at the time.

    At approximately 02:00 on March 17, my daughter began vomiting violently and continued to do so throughout the night. Shortly after my daughter began vomiting, my wife and I also started to show signs of food poisoning - nausea and diarrhea.

    It’s now 08:51 on March 17 and my daughter is still very nauseous, but has not vomited in roughly 3.5 hours and my wife and I still have diarrhea.

    We had been to this restaurant (2) times previously and we really enjoyed the food and pleasant staff. However, our most recent visit was different. Aside from the subsequent food poisoning, the food was not nearly as good as it has been in the past and the bathrooms were dirty. The demeanor of the staff as a whole was not as positive and as I mentioned above, in my opinion, there was too much movement to and from the kitchen.

    Will not be returning to Portifino and I am reporting this event to Portifino management as soon as they open today. | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء

    #merrimack #newhampshire #unitedstates #خبز #لوبستر #سباغيتي #كالاماري #زبدة

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