أبلغ عن مشكلة تتعلق بسلامة الغذاء.

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    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

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    الحصول على الإشعارات المستندة إلى الموقع

    تم إرسال التقرير بنجاح!

    تم وضع تقريرك في قائمة الانتظار - قد تستغرق معالجة تقريرك ما يصل إلى 12 ساعة.


    تقرير سلامة الغذاء: The Thirsty Whale, Cottage Street, Bar Harbor, ME, USA.

    منذ 6 سنوات reported by user-kfdc6439 عمل

    The Thirsty Whale, Cottage Street, Bar Harbor, ME, USA

    40 Cottage Street, Bar Harbor, 04609 Maine, United States

    Ate a fisherman’s plate today at 1:15pm and within 30 minutes after eating it I became very sick with abdominal pain, then nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Called the restaurant and spoke to manager. She said it takes 24 hrs to get seafood poisoning! “Couldn’t be their food,” she said. Didn’t have any seafood the day before! Hope this report prevents others from getting food poisoning. | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء

    #barharbor #maine #unitedstates #المأكولاتالبحرية


    .I am the owner that this person spoke with and this is not exactly an accurate account of the conversation. I said that most food poisoning takes a few hours to usually 24 to 36 hours show symptoms and that it if it was food poisoning, it was most likely from something eaten yesterday or in the morning. Many foods may cause food poisoning, not just seafood. I also told her that we are serve safe certified and that we sell so much seafood and fish that we receive fresh deliveries of seafood almost daily so I would be surprised if it was from our fisherman's plate. At which point she told me that the food tasted very fresh and wondered if it was a problem was with the company we purchased it from. I responded that I would call them and let them know of her situation just to be safe. I also recommended that she keep an eye on her mother, who she said had become very lethargic, and if she became dehydrated or got worse, they should seek medical attention. I then thanked her for calling me. We checked with the company we order from and they had no reported incidences. I then checked the seafood and it all appeared okay. I fried some up, it tasted fine and I had no symptoms. We had no other reports of any issues.

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