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    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

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    تقرير سلامة الغذاء: Wendy's restaurant and Ewing New Jersey.

    منذ 7 سنوات reported by user-bgfyp288 عمل

    Wendy's restaurant and Ewing New Jersey

    1730 North Olden Avenue, Trenton, 08638 New Jersey, United States

    Went to Wendy's on my lunch break April 3rd 2017 I ordered a4for 4 chicken meal. I was eating my fries and one of my fries was cold Frozen . So I felt on the rest to see was their hot it was only one Frozen fry so I took that put it to the side and continue eating my fries ate my nuggets fine was eating a chicken sandwich first of all my cheese was old and my sandwich tasted funny I told the person that I was with that my sandwich didn't taste right couple minutes later I was sick no I was nauseous went to the restroom some other came up came back set for a while went to the top went to the counter and told one of the employees can I speak to a manager because I got sick it took the manager 15 minutes to come over to see what's wrong with me then he came over he was he had a smirk on his face and told me what do he want me to do about it what do I want him to do about it I said what I don't know do something but then it was nothing he can do I said alright so I couldn't walk and I was driving so I had to call the ambulance just to get a report that I got sick at Wendy's because I was driving myself home if something happened to me I had to make sure that was okay leave my car at Wendy's and go to the emergency room so I find a affidavit stating that I didn't want to go to the emergency room still feeling sick home with my couch can't go to the doctor because I'm not feeling well never eat at Wendy's on Olden Avenue because they cook their food too fast and they don't care about people have a good day | الأعراض: إسهال, حمى, غثيان, قيء

    #wendys #trenton #newjersey #unitedstates #الجبن #دجاج #فرايز #ساندويتش #ساندويتشدجاج

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