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Lebensmittelsicherheitsberichte: La Altagracia, Dominican Republic


Aktuelle Berichte

I was on the island from April15th- April22nd. I was fine there but 2 days after returning, I became sick, I was diagnosed with inflammatory colitis, I was admitted to hospital for several hours and gives fluids and antibiotics. Also medication to stop my symptoms. I was… Mehr sehen

#hotelriu #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #kolitis

I went to punta cana in the last week of may. Me and my wife got sick after two days, despite taking all the precautions (only drink blotted water, didn't drink any alcoholic beverages and avoided the pool). I started have nausea and diarrhea, then I start… Mehr sehen

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do #krankenhaus

Me and wife went to Punta Cana to get married. We stood at the Hard Rock for the first part of the trip. I became very sick to my stomach there but didn't think much of it. We got married and decided to change hotels to the… Mehr sehen

#hardrockcafe #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

Ich habe keine Ahnung wo es herkommt. Wir waren im All-Inclusive-Riu Macao in Punta Cana. Samstag und Montag um 1 Uhr morgens angekommen, hatte ich nur flüssigen Durchfall und starke Fieberschüttelfrost. Ich ging am nächsten Tag zum Arzt im PC und erhielt intravenöse Flüssigkeiten und Antibiotika. Insgesamt… Mehr sehen

#hotelriu #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

The first day I arrived, I went straight to the resort and ate the food there. I start to feeling sick for the next 4 days. The last day was the worst. I was continuing throwing up., I was the only one sick  | Symptome: Erbrechen, Übelkeit, Fieber

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do

Towards the end of day 2 of mine and my wife's week long vacation I fell seriously ill (year was 2014). Chills, sweating, fever, diarrhea (10-15 times a day). This lasted for 3 full days and it still took a full week after getting home to get… Mehr sehen

#hardrockcafe #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

I went to a festival March 2018. Was sick to my stomach the entire time as well as many of the other concert attendees., Hundreds of people were sick. People we’re attributing it to a stomach bug and we’re advised not to go in the pool if… Mehr sehen

#hardrockcafe #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #magenbug

Last Friday June 14th my 10 year old daughter was violently ill after breakfast at CIAO a restaurant located at our resort. We were all joking that morning that we were grateful to have gotten through the week without anything happening. None of us felt safe as… Mehr sehen

#hardrockcafe #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #arzt-besuch #spanisch

Ich habe Ende April dieses Jahres die Sunscape in DR besucht. Ich war alleine unterwegs. Ich bin kalt und schwitzend aufgewacht Mein Hals schloss sich und ich nahm an, dass es sich um meine erste Migräne handelte. Ich reiste alleine. Am 23., abends, rief die Rezeption an,… Mehr sehen

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do #äh