食品安全报告: St John Centre, Merrion Street, LS2 8LQ England, United Kingdom 最新报告: 2017年8月16日 下午 1点01分 #leeds #england #unitedkingdom #bigmac
H St John Centre, Merrion Street, Leeds, United Kingdom 7年前 •reported by user-hhrvx145 • 细节 跟随 嵌入报告 复制链接 报告问题 I eat a big Mac meal in which didn't taste Nice, and gradually lost my appetite. a few hours later I've got an upset stomach with diarrhoea. | 症状: 腹泻 #leeds #england #unitedkingdom #bigmac 79 有帮助 跟随 添加报告 分享 复制链接