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    Lindt & Sprüngli 85% Cocoa chocolate bars - recalled due to Undeclared milk and soy

    منذ 4 سنوات source fda.gov

    Recall notice

    Stratham, New Hampshire, United States

    Company name: Lindt & Sprüngli
    Brand name: Lindt
    Product recalled: 85% Cocoa chocolate bars
    Reason of the recall: Undeclared milk and soy
    FDA Recall date: March 20, 2020
    Recall details: Lindt & Sprüngli (USA) Inc. of Stratham, New Hampshire, is issuing a voluntary recall of one lot of its Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa chocolate bars due to the bars being wrapped in the wrong packaging. The bars are labeled as Excellence 85% Cocoa, but contain Lindt Excellence Dark Caramel Sea Salt bars. Therefore, this product does not contain accurate information about allergens. Consumers who have a food allergy or have any sensitivity to milk or soy should not consume the product as it could result in a serious or life-threatening allergic reaction. The recalled Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa Chocolate Bars were distributed nationwide to wholesale and online retailers. The recalled Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa chocolate bars are labeled with Lot Code L5539, a Best Before date of 11-30-2020, and UPC of 3746601645. Lindt has received no reports of any illness, allergic reactions or allergen-related complaints for this product to date. The recall was initiated following consumer contacts regarding the wrong product inside the Lindt Excellence 85% Cocoa bar. Consumers who may have purchased this product may contact Lindt USA directly for a voucher for replacement product.
    Check the full recall details on www.fda.gov/safety/recalls-market-withdrawals-safety-alerts/lindt-sprungli-usa-inc-issues-voluntary-recall-undeclared-milk-and-soy-one-lot-lindt-excellence-85
    Source: FDA

    #stratham #newhampshire #unitedstates #allergen #شيكولاتة #الحليب #صويا

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