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    تقرير سلامة الغذاء: China Gourmet, University Boulevard West, Kensington, MD, United States.

    منذ 7 سنوات reported by user-nmwrv778 عمل

    China Gourmet, University Boulevard West, Kensington, MD, United States

    3739 University Boulevard West, Kensington, 20895 Maryland, United States

    Kung Pow beef didn't taste good at all (usually it did depending on who's in the kitchen- which you can't see). Sent it back. Was told (by *****) that they gave us "Kung Pow lamb instead." Their mistake supposedly . But that was the third "mistake" they made in about two months. Same excuse when sent back the second & third time we visited. Food poisoning each time. Sucks because the place had pretty good food and was/is local. OUR mistake is that we ordered it "10 Star Spicy Hot." Thinking that we're "stupid" or "drunk" Americans they gave us beef that was slightly rotten or on the verge - like we would not know the difference since it was so spicy and we had a few beers. Even called the owner (who was at Disneyland with his family during the third time we got rotten disguised spicy food) and HE ADMITTED it! They serve semi-rotten or rotten meat when a customer orders it extra spicy. Have no idea why this place is still in business. Called the FDA and local government but they are useless (unless I had a "viable" sample of the rotten food at the time - which wasn't possible to submit). I guess your safe eating here if you don't order anything spicy - especially any meat-based dishes. Absolutely disgusting and sad. Took us dumbasses THREE times with food poisoning (questioning it the first two times) not to ever visit this so-called restaurant again. Especially when the owner admitted that they use "old" meat when making spicy dishes. | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء

    #kensington #maryland #unitedstates #لحمبقري #اللحوم

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