أبلغ عن مشكلة تتعلق بسلامة الغذاء.

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بدون معلومات الاتصال الخاصة بك، لا يمكن متابعة شكواك. يرجى تقديم بريدك الإلكتروني. شكرا 🙂

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    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف
    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

    شكراً على تقريرك

    الحصول على الإشعارات المستندة إلى الموقع

    تم إرسال التقرير بنجاح!

    تم وضع تقريرك في قائمة الانتظار - قد تستغرق معالجة تقريرك ما يصل إلى 12 ساعة.


    تقرير سلامة الغذاء: Costco Wholesale, North Pointe Drive, Durham, NC, United States.

    منذ 7 سنوات reported by user-wgvc2871 عمل

    Costco Wholesale, North Pointe Drive, Durham, NC, United States

    1510 North Pointe Drive, Durham, 27705 North Carolina, United States

    Bought fresh snapper from Costco, TWO snappers in the pack, brought it home right away, rinsed with water, season and put in refrigerator for a couple of hours. Cooked it and served one for my husband and one for me. I ate mine and was fine, but my husband got sick after eating about half of his fish, but because there were other items on his plate and he can have allergic reactions, we did not think it was the fish. We saved the fish in the refrigerator and I ate the leftovers a day later. Four hours later I began to feel stomach upset and four hours later I had diarrhea, an hour later I was vomiting violently all the fish (that was all I ate). Soon after diarrhea again, an hour later violent vomiting fish again. Still recovering. I decided to report this because in the past I have purchase this fresh packs of fish, freeze them right away, but when I have gone to cook them, they smell so bad, I have not dared to cook them. This has happened three times with "fresh" snapper. First time, I threw it in the trash and the next two times I returned them. One would think I had learned my lesson, but we love fish so I had to try again. Big mistake!! | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء

    #costco #durham #northcarolina #unitedstates #الأسماك

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