{النتيجة_النهائية|تقرير سلامة الغذاء} - McDonald's، Hinsdale Illinois
منذ 7 سنوات •reported by user-kpxm2726 • عمل
935 North York Road, Hinsdale, 60521 Illinois, United States
I reheated a jalepeno mcchicken sandwich sunday night. I purchased it friday evening, it was in refridgerated. After reheating, and eating half of the sandwich, i felt quesy and went to bed. I woke up having persistent diarreaha every hour. At first it was noticable, but then thr diarreaha was like water coming out. My vomiting was bad too. It was like my throat was forcing the vomit to come out. It came out like a waterfall. Anyway, i called the doctor, he prescribed me some antibiotics a z-pack for 5 days. Just started it today, in the afternoon, and an hr later had diarreah and vomiting, this time after vomiting i felt a little better, but i could see the remnants of the skin of the jalepeno..my doctor advised me to rest, stay hydrated, & finish the antibiotics in the following days. Believe me, it felt like i was dying when i was vomiting. | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء