أبلغ عن مشكلة تتعلق بسلامة الغذاء.

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بدون معلومات الاتصال الخاصة بك، لا يمكن متابعة شكواك. يرجى تقديم بريدك الإلكتروني. شكرا 🙂

حماية الأصدقاء والعائلة

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وهذا يجعل من السهل المتابعة - وخاصة إذا كان هناك بعض الإلحاح على سبيل المثال في التحقيق الصحي العام. شكرا لك 👍
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    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف
    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

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    تم وضع تقريرك في قائمة الانتظار - قد تستغرق معالجة تقريرك ما يصل إلى 12 ساعة.


    تقارير سلامة الغذاء: La Altagracia, Dominican Republic


    أحدث التقارير

    بداية مفاجئة بعد 3 أيام من الشعور بالضيق، والغثيان الشديد/التشنج، والحمى المنخفضة الدرجة، والسعال المنتج في اليوم الثاني من الأعراض.، عاد إلى المنزل بعد 5 أيام والشعور بالسوء. مثل التسمم الغذائي الممزوج بالإنفلونزا.  | الأعراض: غثيان, حمى, تشنجات, سعال

    #paradisuspuntacana #puntacana #laaltagraciaprovince #do

    I visited La Romana 3 years ago. As soon as I returned home from that trip immediately my family including myself were incredibly sick. With severe diarrhea and nausea. My mother had it so severely that she was hospitalized for over a week., I had to goto… شاهد المزيد

    #dominicus #laaltagracia #do #زيارةالطبيب

    We stayed from Jan. 27 till Feb24th, 2019 and we're vomiting and had diarrhea several times and felt really bad. never go back., At least 4 more people told,us they got sick,. The symptoms were the whole stay, 4 weeks.  | الأعراض: إسهال, قيء

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    I stayed at an all inclusive resort in Punta Cana, ate off the buffet, and shortly after became very ill. After I ate off the buffet I also requested the bartender add cream rum to my coffee at which he took my coffee travel mug to the… شاهد المزيد

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #القهوة #كريم

    I visited the resort from 4/6/19- 4/11/19. I have since been to an ER twice, hospitalized and ongoing visits with GI doctors. I cannot work because it has become so bad.  | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #مستشفى

    My younger daughter and I became terribly sick within our very first days staying. We were there April 2014. We didn’t leave the room for days and I slept with my daughter on the floor of the bathroom because we were vomiting so much. We especially feared… شاهد المزيد

    #hardrockcafe #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    My whole family and I were extremely sick since the first day at this resort. My 9 years old son was hospitalized for days after returning home because he contracted a intestinal infection from the food at this horrible place!  | الأعراض: إسهال, حمى, غثيان, قيء

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #مستشفى

    While traveling in Punta Cana Dominican Republic at a Majestic Resort on May 2019 i was deathly ill for 3 days after eating food and drinks this was not normal nor was it a normal reaction for food poisoning.  | الأعراض: إسهال, حمى

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    Last June of 2018 my sister and I stayed at Hard Rock Punta Cana. We were very careful what we ate not having ice in drinks etc. Halfway through the trip we both became violently ill. It hit my sister first she was so sick she could… شاهد المزيد

    #hardrockcafe #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    I visited the Dominican Republic on May 3rd to May 9th and stayed at the “Luxury Bahia Aquamarine” in Punta Cana. I had terrible dark colored Diarrhea on Monday May 7th after eating at the buffet. I can’t pinpoint what it was exactly, that made me sick,… شاهد المزيد

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do