Verdacht auf Lebensmittelvergiftung. Symptome: Durchfall, Erbrechen, Fieber, Schüttelfrost
Mutmaßliche Quelle: Jack n the box
Beginn: Weniger als 4 Stunden
Dauer: andere: Es treten immer noch Symptome auf
Krank: 2 Personen
| Symptome: Durchfall, Erbrechen, Fieber, Schüttelfrost
ate e junior bacon cheeseburgers Friday March 3rd around 1:00PM. Symptoms started 8:00 AM Saturday 3/4. began with vomiting and diarrhea. i also had a fever of 100.8 that i discovered at 9:00PM on the same day. Symptoms continue this morning /5 of diarrhea but the vomiting…
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