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Lebensmittelsicherheitsberichte: La Altagracia, Dominican Republic


Aktuelle Berichte

I became violently ill while staying at. I was completely fine one minute, and it hit me the next out of nowhere, similar to the flu. I was sweating profusely, had diarrhea and was nauseous for over 48 hours. It was awful.  | Symptome: Durchfall, Fieber, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, schwitzen

#hardrockcafe #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

I ate at Zen the night I got sick. My husband also ate off of my plate and didn't get sick. Became violently ill with diarrhea and vomiting. the vomiting lasted about 9 hours and diarrhea lasted several days. I Could barely walk. The next morning the… Mehr sehen

#hardrockcafe #blood #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #krankenhaus

My son and another person in our group became ill on the 3rd day of a senior trip. Throwing up, diarrhea, chills. We were at. This happened on March 15, 2019. He was in the room until Sunday and never really felt good the rest of the… Mehr sehen

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do

In two hours of severe diarrhea (i started to eject only liquid water) i've been severe dehydrated. I was attended in a local hospital that saved me.  | Symptome: Durchfall, Übelkeit, Erbrechen

#hotelriu #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #krankenhaus

We only ate at the hard rock all inclusive hotel. Stayed at the hard rock in Punta Cana summer of 2018 first my daughter had cramps and diarrhea and bodyaches then it moves on to my husband who had diarrhea and bad bodyaches and then J5 it… Mehr sehen

#hardrockcafe #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

We were on vacation for 5 days I started getting sick the 2 day by the 4th day I couldn’t get out of bed. I pulled myself together to at least make it back home. When I arrived home I went straight to urgent aid were they informed me how sick I was and that my throat was almost completely shut.  | Symptome: Fieber, Übelkeit, Erbrechen

#hardrockcafe #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #dringendeversorgung

Party of 30 down there the week of June 10. About 20 had food poisoning - different combinations of fever, vomit, diarrhea - children & adults., 70% of group. 12-24 hours for first symptoms. Duration 1-5 days  | Symptome: Erbrechen, Übelkeit, Fieber, Durchfall

#hotelriu #bavaro #laaltagracia #do

Übelkeit Durchfall Kopfschmerzen Bug beißt Bauchkrämpfe, 6 von uns 12 wurden krank, einer von uns wurde am zweiten Tag am nächsten dritten Tag krank Papa krank am vierten Tag ein weiterer kranker am vierten Tag und am fünften Tag 2 mehr krank.  | Symptome: Übelkeit, Fieber, Durchfall, Krämpfe, Kopfschmerz

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do

This happened May 2018. I got sick 3 days into our trip. Severe diarrhea, nausea.....we realized our hotel sold antibiotics and immodium in the gift shop! But it was after the fact. I left 2 days earlier than planned to get back to US for medical care.… Mehr sehen

#hotelriu #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #krankenhaus