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Rapport par

{Final_Result|Rapport sur la sécurité alimentaire} - Delta Airlines,

il y a 7 ans reported by user-bcmd8994

Food on delta flight
My husband and I returned from Rome on a Delta flight on September 16th in to Atlanta. An hour after we landed I became violently ill and had all the above symptoms. I almost could not walk. I had to connect on a flight to Denver an hour later and threw up constantly and was in the bathroom with diarrhea five or six times over the next few hours. I'm certain I had a fever. Halfway through our connecting flight my husband also became violently ill and he threw up multiple times and the Denver Airport shortly after landing. We went immediately to the emergency room where I was given fluids and anti-nausea medicine but they failed to test for anything. I remained terribly ill along with my husband over the next several days. As a last resort I took several doses of Bactrim which we had leftover from an incident where our sun got food poisoning in Mexico which seemed to help a bit. My husband consulted an infectious disease specialist a day later and we had blood and stool samples tested which came back without growth. We are certain it was from the food on our flight AS neither one of us ate prior to the flight or after and it was a 9 hour flight. We have an idea of what it may have been that we ate since our kids did not eat that item and they were okay. We sent a detailed report to Delta and a month later have still heard nothing. Consumers beware! | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements

#deltaairlines #airlines #blood

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