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Rapport par

{Final_Result|Rapport sur la sécurité alimentaire} - Majestic Elegance Punta Cana, Punta Cana La Altagracia

il y a 5 ans reported by user-qmbdt791 entreprise

Majestic Elegance Punta Cana, Carretera El Macao - Arena Gorda, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

Carretera El Macao - Arena Gorda, Punta Cana, 23000 La Altagracia, Dominican Republic

back in Dec of 2017 I visited Punta Cana and stayed at the listed resort. During our stay one of the bell boys took an interest to one of my friends. He would come into our room while we were out and leave us "extra" bottles of alcohol and chocolates. I said something to him as well as his manager advising that i did not feel comfortable having him in our room while we were gone especially since he was not housekeeping.
The day i left to come back to the states i fell so ill i was worried i wouldnt be able to leave. i had the worst diarrhea and vomiting, at the same time!! i was able to make my flight however i was sweating like crazy, throwing up uncontrollably! I have had food poisoning before but knew this wasnt anything close to it because I didnt not feel a 1005 until 3 weeks later. I will never go back to this resort or DR, AGAIN!! | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Fièvre, Nausée, Vomissements, Transpiration

#puntacana #laaltagracia #dominicanrepublic

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