Sushi Causes Severe Cramps - Umami Sushi Hibachi Restaurant and Bar, St. Petersburg Florida
3 months ago •reported by user-cwypz743 • business
3942 Tyrone Boulevard North, St. Petersburg, 33709 Florida, United States
I ordered sushi Saturday Sept 28th and as I was eating it my stomach started to hurt, but I paid it no attention kept eating and then about a half hour later non stop going to the bathroom. | Symptoms: Diarrhea, Stomach Pain, Fever, Cramps, Headache
Just so you know, symptoms of food poisoning, like cramps or other discomfort, typically take at least 6 to 8 hours after eating contaminated food to appear, and in some cases, it can take much longer. If you started feeling unwell while eating, it’s more likely related to something consumed earlier rather than the current meal.
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Hi! Thank you for your comment! While it's true that food poisoning symptoms often take hours to appear, some reactions, such as certain chemical contaminations or allergic responses, can occur almost immediately. We appreciate your input and will consider it in our review. Iwaspoisoned Support.