User profile: user-gpfp5575
9:09 走进来,在我们离开之前排队等候的人,因为他们等了 20 多分钟才站在那里,没有收到订单。所以我们在网上订购并决定坐下。10 分钟后我们的食物出来了,那时是 9:42 我们开始吃东西,中途已经是 9:56 了,其中一位工作人员过来告诉所有还在吃东西但有些人还没拿到食物的人他们在 10 点关门。我们以 4 美元的价格订购了大辣椒和辣鸡肉三明治组合以及 4 个。我的男朋友在凌晨 4 点醒来时出现腹泻。当我醒来时,我去洗手间时胃部不舒服,疼痛剧烈,我立刻呕吐了。从今天早上 9 点起我就没下过厕所了,现在是下午 5 点!!!!!我太生气了
I had gottel 2 tacos, 1 nacho and 1 ranch & the griller with red fritos & my girlfriend had gotten the mash potato bowl, and also nacho fries. A couple hours later were burping a bad taste pretty often and so it comes down to the point of me vommiting and feeling way better afterwards .