بالأمس Lunchable Turkey and Cheddar Sub Sandwich مباشرة بعد تناول وجبة الغداء، كان طفلي يشعر بالغثيان وشعر بالمرض ثم تقيأ بعد ساعة وأصيب بالحمى بقية الليل.
| الأعراض: حمى, قيء, آخر
White sweet onions from there. 3 family members were sickened. It started about 6 hours after eating the onions. All 3 of us were very I'll with nausea, diarrhea and severe vomiting. We called the store and the manger confirmed it was the onions.
| الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء