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حماية الأصدقاء والعائلة

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    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

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    يتم فحص البيانات من قبل المشرف، وسنقوم بإعلامك بالبريد بمجرد أن تصبح جاهزة.


    Majestic Elegance Punta Cana, Carretera El Macao - Arena Gorda, Punta Cana, 23000 La Altagracia, Dominican Republic

    آخر تقرير:

    Majestic Elegance Punta Cana, Carretera El Macao - Arena Gorda, Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    About 12 years ago, I went to Dominican Republic for vacation. I needed some rest; but was very healthy.
    When I came back, I was very sick. I thought was some bad flu, for months I had to treat diarrhea, abdominal pains, kidney problem, lethargy. Now I can say, that trip made me very sick!.  | الأعراض: إسهال, حمى, غثيان

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    2014: ذهبت أنا وزوجتي مع الأصدقاء لحضور حفل زفاف هناك. تم الترحيب بنا بمشروب متخصص في المنتجع يسمى Majestic. كان لدينا نفس الشيء من بار حمام السباحة في المنتجع في اليوم التالي. ذهبنا لتناول العشاء في مطعم «فرنسي» داخل المنتجع. بعد العودة إلى غرفتنا، بدأت في التقيؤ، … شاهد المزيد

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #إيه

    back in Dec of 2017 I visited Punta Cana and stayed at the listed resort. During our stay one of the bell boys took an interest to one of my friends. He would come into our room while we were out and leave us "extra" bottles of … شاهد المزيد

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    Had dinner on xmas eve 2018. I had a grilled lamb chop from the buffet. It looked cooked from the outside but when i bit nto it i noticed it was raw. Woke up in the middle of the night severe vomoting diarrhea and nausea. My wife … شاهد المزيد

    #raw #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    It happened on the last night of our vacation 3/31/19, Originally I thought it was cross-contamination from the shrimp that was cooked as I have an allergy to that. But we told the chef that. There were others not in my party who also said they had an allergy.  | الأعراض: إسهال, قيء, غثيان

    #crosscontamination #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #shrimp

    We had dinner at the hotel. Several hours later I was vomiting and had diarrhea. I couldn’t even get out of bed the next day., I was the only one that got sick. Symptoms started about 4 hours after dinner.  | الأعراض: قيء, غثيان, حمى, إسهال

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    All food and liquor was from the resort. October 2019 stayed at majestic elegance and within the first couple days we both got extremely sick and couldn’t leave our room. We thought it was just a bug but now reading the recent reports we believe it was … شاهد المزيد

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    Ate at the Italian Restaurant 5/05/19. I had what they called the shrimp scampi, it actually looked like a large ravioli stuffed with shrimp. My wife tried everything on my plate except the shrimp entree. She did not get sick. Woke up around 2:00 AM with severe … شاهد المزيد

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #italian #shrimp #scampi

    In April 2015, my husband and I went on our honeymoon to the DR. We stayed at the all inclusive resort. The very first night of our trip I got extremely ill. So bad, I had to stay in our hotel room the next day. I did … شاهد المزيد

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #مستشفى

    My wife and 2 boys stayed here from 06/03/19 — 06/08/19. Both our boys (22 and 19) got sick. One son started with diarrhea and vomiting just as we were leaving the resort on 06/08/19. Even vomited at the airport and on the plane. By the time … شاهد المزيد

    #puntacana #laaltagracia #do

    آخر 30 يومًا