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    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

    شكراً على تقريرك

    الحصول على الإشعارات المستندة إلى الموقع

    تم إرسال التقرير بنجاح!

    تم وضع تقريرك في قائمة الانتظار - قد تستغرق معالجة تقريرك ما يصل إلى 12 ساعة.


    تقرير سلامة الغذاء: Chipotle Mexican Grill, South Dixie Highway, Miami, FL, United States.

    منذ 6 سنوات reported by user-hdjr7389 عمل

    Chipotle Mexican Grill, South Dixie Highway, Miami, FL, United States

    6290 South Dixie Highway, Miami, 33143 Florida, United States

    I went to Chipotle on Sunday 12/17/17 and I had the Carnitas tacos and I got a severe allergy attack on the same night . it was the only thing i ate and at 2am I couldn't breathe and I had hives everywhere plus I really swelled up and I ended up going to the emergency . Now i have to do an ultrasound and many more exams due to this. I have never been allergic to pork and going into the ingredients of what your meal had is alarming ! Juniper Berries can cause this - there is no warning signs that it even has this ..... also, not sure if you know but this ingredient can cause miscarriage. I am so concern about this. i left a message on the website so they can call me and i can explain further, little do i know i was so frustrated with the representative , she pretty much insulted me and didn't help making it seem as i am the problem. the call was from Denver, Colorado . she just past it over to the claims department, still waiting for a call... | الأعراض: إسهال

    #chipotlemexicangrill #southmiami #florida #unitedstates #كارنيتاس #لحمالخنزير

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