أبلغ عن مشكلة تتعلق بسلامة الغذاء.

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    {النتيجة_النهائية|تقرير سلامة الغذاء} - McDonald's، Dunn North Carolina

    منذ 5 سنوات reported by user-tmcm5555 عمل

    McDonald's, 1185, East Cumberland Street, Dunn, NC, USA

    1185 East Cumberland Street, Dunn, 28334 North Carolina, United States

    I stopped in on April 13th after a Easter egg hunt at a place called my happy place thankfully my child had Fallen to sleep but I pulled in to get a caramel latte with two extra shots of expresso and I ordered two cheeseburgers as well as a fry. I was so hungry seeing how he was passed out down the cheeseburgers like a pig completely disgusted by myself cuz we normally don't do McDonald's cuz it's just disgusting but it was so convenient on the way home I said screw it and rode to the drive-through anyhow thankfully again my child had fallen asleep come 4 in the morning I got up to use the restroom as I was sitting there I started to get nauseous and knew immediately I was going to throw up. It was those cheeseburgers that I had eaten and there was even a little teensy-weensy piece of a pickle in the toilet from the burger literally could taste regurgitated cheeseburgers. I woke up at 5 and 6 throwing up again thinking possibly I had a bug from the many children we were around. Again at this point it is April 15th it is been pretty much 48 hours I know for sure it is not a bug because my child would be sick as well as my household and that is not the case. I have called the health department I have called the managers up there and basically everybody is ignoring me and telling me seems how I didn't go to the doctor I don't know for sure that I got food poisoning. I do know for sure it was food poisoning anyhow quite crazy how I got on here notice 107 people got sick from food poisoning on April the 13th which falls into April 14th this is not ironic I will never go back to any fast food or let alone any restaurant. I'm over it. Hope something's doing about this .when I called to speak with the manager at McDonald's. She told me more than likely it was something I had eaten 24 hours to McDonald's kind of bull crap is that. I have worked with the food and beverage so I know what food poison is anyhow is what it is completely disgusting my stomach is still hurting and no I'm not going to bring my child because I have no family where I'm from into a 6 doctor's office to tell me that I had food poisoning that is not what I'm going to do so that being said again wow I'm just in all right now and my stomach is still twisted and Disturbed food poisoning can turn into a terrible thing but God is with me and I sure hope it's with all the other people who have reported this food poisoning propaganda | الأعراض: حمى, غثيان, قيء

    #mcdonalds #dunn #northcarolina #unitedstates #برغر #الوجباتالسريعة #البيض #بيكل

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