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{Final_Result|Rapport sur la sécurité alimentaire} - Which wich, San Angelo Texas

il y a 3 ans reported by user-pxjbb182 entreprise

Quels sandwichs supérieurs Wich, Knickerbocker Road, San Angelo, Texas, États-Unis

4515 Knickerbocker Road, San Angelo, 76904 Texas, United States

J'ai commandé un grand Reuben et n'en ai mangé que la moitié.. J'ai commencé à avoir mal à la tête, puis à de graves nausées et diarrhées. C'est environ 18 heures plus tard et les nausées et la diarrhée ont disparu. J'ai toujours un mal de tête scandaleux | Symptômes: Nausée, Diarrhée, Vomissements, Maux

#whichwich #sanangelo #texas #unitedstates


Generally food poisoning does not set in that quickly unless the food is actually rotten. You would have not even been able to eat the sandwich if the ingredients were rotten. Probably just a coincidence. I would look back and see what you ate the night before. What you ate the night before is more than likely the culprit. A group of 10 of us got Norovirus food poisoning from Henry’s original diner on Sherwood Way a few years ago. We were all fine until the next day. Onset is typically between 12 to 48 hours after exposure. The amount of Norovirus that fits on the head of a pin is enough to infect (100 particles) someone. People with Norovirus shed billions of particles in their stool and vomit and can easily infect others. The person can also be contagious from a few days up to two weeks or more. Norovirus spreads through feces by contaminated food and contaminated water. We all ordered different things so it was more than likely a food handler in the back who tried to come back to work too soon. It’s one of the risks everyone takes when they eat out. We eat mostly at home and we have never ever gone back to Henry’s and never will.

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2428: Onset of symptoms from contaminated food can be fast. It can be immediate if it is chemical contamination, and within 30 minutes for staph.

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