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Chobani Greck Yogourt Intoxication alimentaire

Chobani Greck Yogourt Intoxication alimentaire

Le yogourt acheté en magasin peut devenir contaminé et causer une intoxication alimentaire. Les consommateurs ont signalé des symptômes de crampes, de nausées, de maux de tête et de diarrhée. En 2013 Chobani Yogurt grec a été rappelé après 170 plaintes ont été faites à la FDA et le test a montré que le yogourt développé Mucor Circinelloides moule.

Dernière mise à jour:

#Chobani Greek yogurt

Rapports récents

Boisson de yogourt Chobani 1 heure après avoir mangé, des crampes d'estomac et du gaz. La diarrhée a commencé 2 heures après avoir mangé. Crampes d'estomac continues  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Crampes, gaz

#chobanigreekyogurt #amenia #newyork #us #yogourt

I ate this as a sweet treat late last night around 11 pm and woke up in the middle if the night with the worst gas and diarrhea I've ever had. It's now the next day around 1pm and I STILL have to keep running to the… Voir plus

#chobanigreekyogurt #aldi #westseneca #newyork #us

Bought a 4 pack of Chobani
The only thing different that I ate was a Chobani cherry yogurt in the middle of the night (about 3 am). That was the only thing different that I ate from my husband.  Just myself. Item was purchased yesterday and consumed… Voir plus

#chobanigreekyogurt #danapoint #california #us #yogourt

I ate a Chobani plain yogurt, 0% fat for lunch. It was from the multipack packages. By 7pm, I got bad diarrhea! I don't eat greek yogurt often and it has been a while since I ate some but never in my life have I ever gotten this from eating diary, especially not from greek yogurt. Beware!  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#chobanigreekyogurt #hannaford #leominster #massachusetts #us #grec #yogourt

I started drinking yogurt drinks for breakfast and they gave me very painful stomach cramps and diarrhea every time I had it! Took me a long while to realize something that is supposed to be healthy and support gut health was actually the cause of my painful reaction.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Crampes

#chobanigreekyogurt #worcester #massachusetts #us #yogourt

I drank Chobani Complete yogurt drink and about two hours later, I got serious diarrhea and stomach pain. The first time this happened, I thought it was something else I ate, but it happened again today, shortly after drinking chobani complete again.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Douleur d'estomac

#shoprite #chobanigreekyogurt #bethlehem #pennsylvania #us #yogourt

I got sick on Sunday July 26. Nonstop diarrhea for two days, fever, vomiting. It eventually passed and I couldn’t figure out what it was, but I just ate a Chobani yogurt and the nausea is back. I had eaten a Chobani yogurt that morning. This happened in NYC and was delivered by amazon.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Fièvre

#chobanigreekyogurt #amazon #newyork #newyork #us #yogourt