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Nebraska Health Alert for Norovirus Outbreak

3 years ago source


United States

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Office of Epidemiology has reported a Health Alert to Long-Term Care Facilities, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Childcare Centers, Schools, Primary Care Providers, Public Health in Nebraska due to Norovirus Outbreak.

The DHHS Office of Epidemiology of Nebraska has received reports of 14 suspected or confirmed norovirus outbreaks among long-term care facilities, skilled nursing facilities, childcare centers, and schools since march 1, 2021. The norovirus season typically peaks from December to March, and begins to decline in April, but for this time of year, it has been unusually high.

Norovirus is the most common cause of acute gastrointestinal disease in the United States. It is very contagious and can be contracted from an infected person, contaminated water or food, or even a contaminated surface.

The DHHS of Nebraska advises:
- Long-term care facilities, assisted living, and skilled nursing facilities should restrict ill residents from leaving their room until 48 hours after their symptoms resolve to reduce the risk of further spread (unless it is for essential care or treatment). Consider suspending group activities for the duration of the outbreak. Exclude ill staff, especially those with patient care and food handling responsibilities, until 48 hours after symptoms resolve to help reduce further spread. Staff who work at multiple healthcare facilities should eliminate or minimize inter-facility movement during the duration of the outbreak. Additionally, enforcing exclusion policies for visitors will help prevent further spread.
- Childcare centers and schools should educate staff and children on proper hand hygiene. Facilities should assist younger children with washing their hands after using the toilet and before eating. Any staff, childcare attendee, or student with symptoms of norovirus infection should be sent home and not return until 48 hours after symptoms resolve to help prevent further spread.
- Environmental surfaces should be disinfected using a chlorine bleach solution with a concentration of 1,000-5,000 ppm (5-25 tablespoons of household bleach [5-8 %] per gallon of water) or other disinfectants effective against norovirus.

Any facility with two or more suspected norovirus ill persons within 72 hours should report the suspected outbreak to their local health department.

Check the full Health alert on:

Source: Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

#unitedstates #norovirus

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