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    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

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    يتم فحص البيانات من قبل المشرف، وسنقوم بإعلامك بالبريد بمجرد أن تصبح جاهزة.


    Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada


    Bought the azuma seaweed salad from there. New container, had some with dinner. Both my husband and I ate it and woke up with nausea and wanting to vomit, and later diarrhea. So many people are complaining about this product how is it still being sold????  | الأعراض: غثيان, إسهال, قيء

    #costco #greatersudbury #ontario #ca #salad #seaweedsalad

    زوجة حصلت على الشاي مع كريم الآن رمي.. تشنجات في المعدة. ودعا فقط للحصول على المشرف الذي قال كل شيء على ما يرام.. لا  | الأعراض: قيء, تشنجات

    #timhortons #greatersudbury #ontario #ca #cream


    Harvey's, Regent Street, Sudbury, ON, Canada

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-rqrh8986 تفاصيل

    3 hours after eating at this place, I immediately began violently vomiting. Could not keep water down almost 20 hours later, still nauseous, unable to keep water down.  | الأعراض: قيء, غثيان

    #greatersudbury #ontario #ca


    Cortina Pizza Hanmer, Cote Boulevard, Hanmer, ON, Canada

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-dxvp6981 تفاصيل

    Not sure Just one of us got sick. He ate the kitchen sink pizza Saturday night around 930-10 and this morning complained about stomach cramps and diarrhea.Later in the afternoon he started vomitting and having severe cramps and diahreha and cannot keep anything down. Not even liquids.It … شاهد المزيد

    #greatersudbury #ontario #ca #pizza

    Pre made salad "family caesar salad with bacon 730g" with renéé caesar salad dressing 1/2 fat which we got it was made on feb 23, best before 26 feb 2020 dressing(2020al01) it's was refrigerated only in the car for 15mins, made half yesterday 24th and half today … شاهد المزيد

    #greatersudbury #ontario #ca #مستشفى #bacon #salad #spaghetti #caesarsalad

    أكلت الدجاج وبعد ساعتين كنت أتقيأ بعنف ولساعات وآلام في المعدة بدأت في حوالي الساعة 8:30 ليلة الاثنين وتوقفت عن التقيؤ صباح الثلاثاء والآن بعد ظهر الأربعاء لا تزال معدتي ممتدة وما زلت أشعر بالضعف.  | الأعراض: إسهال, غثيان, قيء, ضعف, ألم المعدة

    #greatersudbury #ontario #ca #chicken


    Subway, Regional Road 24, Lively, Ontario, Canada

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-BP 6f38d2a1-db0d-4357-9d82-9ea3a02a713f تفاصيل

    Thinking the lettuce as we both had different kinds of subs, One for symptoms within an hour of eating it, and another one got sick within 5 hours of eating it   | الأعراض: إسهال, قيء

    #subway #greatersudbury #ontario #ca #lettuce


    Pizza Hut, 121 Loachs Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 2P8, Canada

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-Instabot user 196774738 تفاصيل

    Ordered a cheese pizza last night and I got sick after eating it., Ate pizza last night, got sick this morning. I was the only who got sick, but I ate the most pizza and I was the only one who ate ceasar salad.  | الأعراض: قيء

    #pizzahut #greatersudbury #ontario #ca #cheese #pizza #salad #cheesepizza


    Tim Hortons, 935 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 2C6, Canada

    منذ 5 سنوات reported by user-dgqd2841 تفاصيل

    I bought food at the LAURENTIAN Tim hortons and it was the only thing I ate after my class finished at 6:40pm cause we got sent out early. Went to Tim hortons at 6:50pm, got back ate it then randomly felt sick. I barfed at 11:36pm and … شاهد المزيد

    #timhortons #greatersudbury #ontario #ca #bread #chili

    آخر 30 يومًا