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Rapport par

Rapport sur la sécurité alimentaire : McDonald's, 8th Court, West Linn, OR, United States.

il y a 8 ans reported by user-ywqj6296

McDonald's, 8th Court, West Linn, OR, United States

2100 8th Court, West Linn, 97068 Oregon, United States

About half an hour after eating a mcdouble i got vilantly ill. I threw up and had to leave work, as i tryed walking it off on my way to the bus station i kept throwing up, riding the bus was so horrible i had to jump off to vomit. Afterwards i called my mom, lukily shes amazing and retired. She comes picks me up and take me to my house, puking in the backseat on the way home. After i got home i crawled into the bathroom to releive my bowls for the 3rd time since eating that burger. I than hoped in the bath where i stayed for the next 4-7 hours vomiting consistently. The whole time it felt as if my insides were melting or full of needles making breathing hert. Luckily i cant afford health care | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#westlinn #oregon #unitedstates #burger

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