Food Safety Report: Gresham Elementary School, 8524 S Green (832w) , Chicago, Il, USA.
11 months ago •source • business
Regulatory Report
8524 South Green Street, Chicago, 60620 Illinois, United States
Report date: Feb 5, 202410. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: observed hot running water temperature at hand sinks in 1st fl. Boy's ranging from 80. 2f,92. 3f and 71. 1f and 2nd fl. Boy's ranging from 89. 2f,89. 2f and 88. 2f must have hot running water at 100. 0f must repair and maintain. (priority 7-38-030(c)
10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: observed no hand washing signs in toilet rooms in pre-k 112,1st fl. Girl's and 2nd fl. Boy's must provide and maintain.
51. Plumbing installed; proper backflow devices
- comments: must repair or replace leaky pipe at far right compartment of 3- comp sink.
53. Toilet facilities: properly constructed, supplied, & cleaned
- comments: observed no covered garbage cans in kitchen staff toilet room,1st fl. Girl's and annex unisex must provide and maintain.