Significant Increase of norovirus cases in England
1 year ago •source
England, United Kingdom
The UKHSA data released shows a sharp increase in reports of confirmed cases of norovirus in England.National surveillance data shows laboratory reports of the virus in England are 66 % higher than the average at this time of year. The biggest increase in laboratory-confirmed norovirus has been seen in the group of those aged 65 years and over. While high numbers of cases in this age group is expected at this time of year, these levels haven’t been seen in over a decade.
Norovirus laboratory reports during weeks 3 and 4 (527 laboratory reports) were 66% higher than the 5-season average (318 laboratory reports) for the same 2 week period.
The number of outbreaks caused by norovirus has increased in hospitals, schools, and care homes, with the majority of outbreaks reported in care home settings.
In response to the increase in cases, UKHSA is reminding the public of the actions that they can take to reduce the spread of norovirus.
Norovirus is very contagious and is easily transmitted from person to person most through the oral/fecal route. Considering that hand sanitizer does NOT work against this virus, it is important to wash your hands with soap frequently. Use bleach to clean and disinfect surfaces. If symptoms persist, seek medical care.
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