
18 2 分享s
同样在美国 34 岁的沃尔玛超级中心,伊利诺伊州奥斯威戈。Cheerios。我已经完成了所有通用磨坊的产品,再加上它们像他妈的和恶心一样阴暗(甚至阻止了网站上的健康人员进入他们哈哈),觉得有趣的是 Lucky Charms 还在货架上而且也没有被拉(我不吃那些),还要看看他们放在 Cheerios 中的东西总的来说...这不好,基本上是里面的除草剂,而且它主要由糖组成,是的,即使是我所吃的普通除草剂,许多通用磨坊最近回忆说,也让你感到奇怪...另外,我之前实际上也从他们的产品中得过腹泻,但没有放腹泻,因为到目前为止与此无关,但可能来自他们的 Nature Valley Oats And Honey Granola 棒等。
52 2 分享s


食品安全报告: Lucky Charms。,沃尔玛超级中心,美国北达科他州博蒂诺东 11 街

General Mills sucks ass even the Cheerios do this (weed killer stuff has in it anyway pretty much and is mostly made up of sugar, even the plain original version I'm talking about) I personally will never eat any General Mills products ever again!

食品安全报告: Chipotle 墨西哥烧烤,10251 S 东方大道,亨德森,内华达州 89052,美国

Except I'm 18 they are full adults, opposite.

Sounds like my family with their fast food/restaurant crap, I never eat out and all they do is that, and only 1 bathroom too in the house sadly :/. They would be like oh it's all in the head then if they sick they still would think that dumb stuff, have had literal physical fights because of this sh*t.

食品安全报告: 美国伊利诺伊州奥斯威戈轻路 Mi Rancho 餐厅

Also look in google reviews there are a few people there who know what's up also, the rest are completely clueless of course, ignore the high rating if still has because has other locations related to the rating as well...