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Informe de seguridad alimentaria: bp, 3935 S Archer Ave, Chicago, IL, USA.

hace 4 años source negocio

Informe regulatorio

3935 South Archer Avenue, Chicago, 60632 Illinois, United States

Report date: Jul 31, 2020
5. Procedures for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events
- comments: 2-501. 11: no procedure in place for responding to vomiting and diarrheal events. Instd to provide procedure and necessary supplies effective against norovirus. Priority foundation 7-38-005.

10. Adequate handwashing sinks properly supplied and accessible
- comments: 6-301. 14 missing handwash signage at all handwash sinks. Instd to provide signage and maintain.

36. Thermometers provided & accurate
- comments: 4-204. 112(e): missing food temperature measuring device (ex metal stem thermometer). Instd to provide and maintain same. Priority foundation 7-38-005.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: 6-501. 12: walls and doors of toilet room and warewashing room not clean, debris accumulation. Instd to clean and maintain

64. Public health nuisance
- comments: for purposes of this order, businesses covered by this order include any for-profit, non-profit, or educational entity, regardless of the nature of the service, the function it performs, or its corporate or entity structure. (a) in addition to the health steps required by executive order no. 2020-43, businesses must take the following additional public health measures to protect their employees, their customers, and all others who come into physical contact with their operations: (3) ensure that every employee who interacts with customers and is able to medically tolerate a mask is wearing a mask for the duration of a shift; wearing a face covering in public places or when working. Any individual who is over age two and able to medically tolerate a face-covering (a mask or cloth face-covering) shall be required to cover their nose and mouth with a face covering when in a public place and unable to maintain a six-foot social distance. Face-coverings are required in public indoor spaces such as stores. Observed 2 employees less than 6 feet apart not wearing face coverings/masks. Instd to wear masks at all time when unable to social distance. Warning issued


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