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Nous (mon partenaire et moi) sommes arrivés en République dominicaine dimanche après-midi (4 juillet) pour des vacances d'une semaine à l'Excellence El Carmen. J'y ai été délibérément empoisonné par la salmonelle et l'entamoeba histolytica et j'ai également eu une infection respiratoire. Aussi fou que cela puisse paraître,… Voir plus

#puntacana #laaltagracia #dominicanrepublic #entamoebahistolytica #café #bretzel

My wife and I stayed there during our anniversary around the last week of March 2019 - we both got sick (major Diarrhea) about one or two nights before we left and I remained sick for at least a week or two after my return to the US  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée

#puntacana #laaltagracia #dominicanrepublic

Husband got so sick...couldn't eat or leave the room from fear of crapping his pants. Have video showing he was sick! We stayed in the Imperial Suite RTT, Room 9172. Within 12 hours of being home I had to take husband to hospital where he was HOSPITALH,… Voir plus

#puntacana #laaltagracia #dominicanrepublic #hôpital

I arrived home from on Saturday and have had diarrhea since I got off the plane., I started having this particular diarrhea just after arriving home and it’s been four days now. The diarrhea is little yellow cubes and it’s starting to scare me. I didn’t eat anything in cube form.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée

#puntacana #laaltagracia #dominicanrepublic

Both my husband and i got violently ill within the first day of our arrival in March 2018. I became sick after dinner at the lobster restaurant the second evening and my husband got sick the next evening after he was in our swim up pool while… Voir plus

#puntacana #laaltagracia #dominicanrepublic #homard