Sushi ER Visit: Cramping - Wegmans, Williamsport Pennsylvania
4 years ago •reported by user-zjfhb867 • business
201 William Street, Williamsport, 17701 Pennsylvania, United States
Sushi I purchased the Spicy Tuna Roll, and California Roll in the Sushi Dept. I was sick about 2 hours later with intense abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. I had to go to the ER for IV, Potassium, Cat Scans, and Blood Work. They're doing little to nothing about this. The manager on site did NOTHING.Their corporate said oh, well we'll get back to you to see what we could do. They said it might not even be food poisoning and it could have just been a virus I had and the sushi brought it out of me. I was APALLED!!!! I asked if she was a doctor, she said no. I said so then let's stick to the doctors who actually treated me. She told me doctors blame a lot on food poisoning when in fact it is not. She also mentioned that since they hadn't had an illness from Sushi since 2016 she doesnt think the Sushi made me sick.
I'm unsure why they are rated #1 in the US. I will NEVER shop there ever again!!!! | Symptoms: Diarrhea, Vomiting, Cramps