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Relatórios de segurança alimentar: Alaska, United States


Relatórios Recentes

My son, wife and sister all got sick after eating at Red Robin in Wasilla Alaska. They are fries, cheese burger, grilled cheese, turkey burger.  | Sintomas: Náusea, Vomitando

#redrobin #wasilla #alaska #us #hambúrguer #queijo #batatasfritas #turquia

I ate on May 2nd- 2 tacos and a cheesy Gordita crunch. Around 7 hours later I started feeling mildly sick so I went to bed. I woke up a couple hours later and immediately began vomiting and I had diarrhea as well. I must have got up to vomit about 10 times that night. Never eating Taco Bell again.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Febre, Náusea, Vomitando

#tacobell #anchorage #alaska #us #taco

My first time ever there, my friends were getting drinks and as I was not old enough I just ordered some French fries with ranch and drank some lemon water, dinner menu was closed so they only had the bar. The food was amazing but I felt… Veja mais

#anchorage #alaska #us #batatasfritas #batatasfritas #limão

I had dinner around 6:00 and about an hour after I started feeling warm and nauseous, then my stomach started hurting really bad and gurgling. Around 2-3 hours later I ended up getting diarrhea and still nauseas (on the verge of getting sick) and having diarrhea the next day.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Náusea

#smashburger #wasilla #alaska #us

Approximetely between 1:00PM and 1:30PM in the afternoon on Saturday March 24, 2018 i had purchased a lb. of orange chicken from Walmart Supercenter here in Wasilla, Alaska. I was eating lunch on my break that day and purchased this item alone at the store. After a… Veja mais

#walmart #wasilla #alaska #us #galinha #salada #alaranjado

Levei minha filha ao Red Robin para o aniversário dela às 19h. Eu pedi o croissant BLTA com batatas fritas. 3 horas depois, minha parte superior do abdômen começou a cãibras, as cólicas ficaram severas, vomitei e as cólicas severas continuaram junto com a diarréia até as 5h. Eu perdi o trabalho no dia seguinte para me recuperar.  | Sintomas: Diarreia, Vomitando, Cãibras

#redrobin #wasilla #alaska #us #croissant #batatasfritas