أبلغ عن مشكلة تتعلق بسلامة الغذاء. حماية الآخرين!

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بدون معلومات الاتصال الخاصة بك، لا يمكن متابعة شكواك. يرجى تقديم بريدك الإلكتروني. شكرا 🙂

حماية الأصدقاء والعائلة

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وهذا يجعل من السهل المتابعة - وخاصة إذا كان هناك بعض الإلحاح على سبيل المثال في التحقيق الصحي العام. شكرا لك 👍
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    لا شكرا

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    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف
    يرجى تقديم البريد الإلكتروني أو الهاتف

    شكراً على تقريرك

    الحصول على الإشعارات المستندة إلى الموقع

    تم إرسال التقرير بنجاح!

    يتم فحص البيانات من قبل المشرف، وسنقوم بإعلامك بالبريد بمجرد أن تصبح جاهزة.


    أكلت في البوفيه في تناول البيتزا والبطاطا المقلية ولحم الخنزير المقدد وطعم البطاطا المهروسة. في غضون ساعتين لم أستطع التوقف عن القيء والإسهال. أطنان من التشنج في معدتي. جسدي كله يشعر وكأنني مصاب بالأنفلونزا  | الأعراض: قيء, غثيان, إسهال, تشنجات

    #bavaro #laaltagracia #do #bacon #fries #pizza #mashedpotatoes


    Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana, Bávaro, Dominican Republic

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-grpbh693 تفاصيل

    My boyfriend and I are staying . He threw up several times over a five hour period along with diarrhea and chills and sweats. Following day I fell ill with the same symptoms of excruciating stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, went from ice cold to sweaty profusely. We … شاهد المزيد

    #hotelriu #bavaro #laaltagracia #do


    Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana, Bávaro, Dominican Republic

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-bkcv6473 تفاصيل

    We went to an the mid December 2017 with a group of 5 families. Almost everyone got sick. Some got sick as soon as they got there. My daughter was really sick for several days. I was one of the lucky ones, didn't fall ill until I … شاهد المزيد

    #hotelriu #bavaro #laaltagracia #do


    Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana, Bávaro, Dominican Republic

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-Instabot user 201171605 تفاصيل

    Party of 30 down there the week of June 10. About 20 had food poisoning - different combinations of fever, vomit, diarrhea - children & adults., 70% of group. 12-24 hours for first symptoms. Duration 1-5 days  | الأعراض: قيء, غثيان, حمى, إسهال

    #hotelriu #bavaro #laaltagracia #do


    Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana, Bávaro, Dominican Republic

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-fpdp1621 تفاصيل

    After arriving in resort and feeling unwell after 3 days I sort advice from the hotel doctor who treated me for a stomach bug using IV drip & antibiotics and was told it would be better in 24 hours. Guess what...... still I’ll 48 hours later so … شاهد المزيد

    #hotelriu #bavaro #laaltagracia #do #طفيلي #salad


    Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana, Bávaro, Dominican Republic

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-rcjzj171 تفاصيل

    a group of 6 of us stayed at the Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana. after eating at a Japanese restaurant the second night we were there every single one of us could not move or get out of bed the next morning. We were all so sick, … شاهد المزيد

    #hotelriu #bavaro #laaltagracia #do #japanese


    Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana, Bávaro, Dominican Republic

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-Instabot user 200798586 تفاصيل

    my husband felt sickly went we went to the dinner buffet called Isabella. He said he thhought maybe the burger he had at lunch may have been bad. He did not eat dinner. About an hour later he became VIOLENTLY ill. It passed within 3-4 hours. He felt better by the next, just he got sick  | الأعراض: قيء, غثيان, حمى, إسهال

    #hotelriu #bavaro #laaltagracia #do #burger


    Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana, Bávaro, Dominican Republic

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-wjvy7966 تفاصيل

    We all got some sort of food/drink related illness but by far my son got it worse. He was sick the whole time. But after returning is still sick, down 47 lbs between January and April. Blood work is all over the place. Has had two hospitalizations! … شاهد المزيد

    #hotelriu #blood #bavaro #laaltagracia #do #مستشفى


    Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana, Bávaro, Dominican Republic

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-qrcc2733 تفاصيل

    I went for a week . I spend five days with severe diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. I went to their clinic twice and received no help . I was told to go to the hospital. I don’t know if the food, water, alcohol or the damp smell … شاهد المزيد

    #hotelriu #bavaro #laaltagracia #do #مستشفى #bread #gatorade


    Hotel Riu Palace Punta Cana, Bávaro, Dominican Republic

    منذ 4 سنوات reported by user-wzyg1977 تفاصيل

    I got home from vacation at the Riu in Punta Cana on Saturday afternoon. On Sunday morning I had diarrhea and was not feeling well. On Sunday around 8pm I started to feel extremely nauseous and a half an hour later I was violently vomiting. I spent … شاهد المزيد

    #hotelriu #bavaro #laaltagracia #do #pizza

    آخر 30 يومًا