Unpasteurized goat milk products - Health warning to not drink
3 years ago •source health.hawaii.gov
Recall notice
Hawaii, United States
Hawai‘i Department of Health Food Safety Branch announced a Health warning to not drink raw goat milk products from various pet store supplies and food retailers throughout the state because they may result in serious illnesses, hospitalizations and even death, due to the raw milk has the potential to carry and transmit dangerous pathogens including E. Coli, Salmonella, and a host of other bacteria that can cause disease. It is especially dangerous for theit keiki, kupuna, or those with weakened immune systems to drink raw milk because they may not be able to fend off these pathogens as a normal healthy individual would.They also expressed that drinking raw milk is particularly dangerous because children infected through consumption of raw milk can spread disease through fecal-oral means and cause a serious disease outbreak among other children with whom they come into contact. Raw milk consumption by a few individuals has the potential to negatively impact their community at large by causing an outbreak of disease.
As of July 1, there were nearly 20 O‘ahu pet stores that were selling unpasteurized goat milk products. Under Hawai‘i law, only Grade A pasteurized milk and milk products may be sold to the final consumer or to restaurants. The health department is continuing its inspections today.
For more details please check: health.hawaii.gov/news/newsroom/department-of-health-warns-public-not-to-drink-raw-milk/
Source: Hawai‘i Department of Health