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Rapport par

Rapport sur la sécurité alimentaire : Tacos El Paraiso, 3225 N Harlem Ave , Chicago, Il, USA.

il y a 4 ans source entreprise

Rapport réglementaire

3225 North Harlem Avenue, Chicago, 60634 Illinois, United States

Report date: Mar 11, 2020
23. Proper date marking and disposition
- comments: instructed to properly label and date ready to eat tcs foods held over 24 hours inside coolers. Must identify product shelf life or 'consume by' dating (7 days from preparation date). Priority foundation violation 7-38-005 no citation issued

36. Thermometers provided & accurate
- comments: instructed to provide thermometer visible inside all coolers.

37. Food properly labeled; original container
- comments: instructed to properly label food containers/bins (sugar, salt, flour etc) identified with common name.

41. Wiping cloths: properly used & stored
- comments: instructed to properly store wiping cloth in a clean container with sanitizing solution.

49. Non-food/food contact surfaces clean
- comments: instructed to detail clean and maintain exterior surfaces of cooking equipment, interior and exterior surfaces of prep and reach-in coolers, exterior sides of food containers, prep and storage shelves.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: instructed to detail clean and maintain floors with grease and dried food debris along the walls and in all corners throughout prep/cooking area,dish washing area and in rear storage area.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: instructed to detail clean and maintain wall with dried food spillage around prep/dishwashing area.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: instructed to clean and remove unnecessary items stored in rear storage and in rear outside area to prevent pest harborage.

55. Physical facilities installed, maintained & clean
- comments: cleaning equipment (brooms, mops etc) must be stored off the floor.


#chicago #illinois #unitedstates #sucre

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