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Rapport sur la sécurité alimentaire : Wendy's, 1011 Park Ave, Meadville, PA 16335, USA.

il y a 6 ans source entreprise

Rapport réglementaire

1011 Park Avenue, Meadville, 16335 Pennsylvania, United States

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratory Services closed the fast food restaurant because of "gross facility and equipment sanitation" and "insect/rodent infestation."

Orange cones blocked access to Wendy's at 1011 Park Ave. on Wednesday afternoon. A sign posted by the Department of Agriculture on the business and dated Aug. 22, 2018, read, in part, "This facility was found to have violations, which constitute an immediate danger to public health or safety, as established in 7 Pa. Code Chapter 46. As a result, this facility has been ordered to remain closed until the facility has been re-inspected by and deemed safe to re-open by the Department."

According to an inspection on Wednesday, the state found three violations that led to the closing:

• The person in charge does not have adequate knowledge of food safety in this food facility as evidenced by this non-compliant inspection.

• Small flying insects are still present in facility.

• Non-food contact surfaces not cleaned at a frequency to preclude accumulation of dirt and soil. Significant improvements have not been made since last inspection as garbage/food residue and standing liquid is still present under stationary equipment.

#wendys #rodents #rats #mice #meadville #pennsylvania #unitedstates #restaurationrapide #orange

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