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Rapports de sécurité alimentaire: La Altagracia, Dominican Republic

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Got sick after on the 6th day of my stay. Diarrhea and stomach cramps were the symptoms. Not sure what caused it, highly suspect the food was the cause. My wife and 2 children also experienced similar symptoms, with additional vomiting.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Crampes

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do

Stayed there... my fiancé got violently ill Saturday morning, and mine started on the plane yesterday afternoon. Have been throwing up all night! We both had food from the Buffett  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do

Possibly noravirus  individual 1: rapid onset of fatigue, vomiting, nausea and diarrhea that lasted 12 hours, felt better within 48 hours of initial onset of symptoms  
Individual two staying in the same hotel room became sick 48 hours after individual 1. Same symptoms.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, La fatigue

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do

I am in punta Cana staying here, and I had arrived late on Friday night, and all they had was nachos out, got food poisoning from that, and then I had only eaten fruit because it was the only thing that was appealing to me, got a… Voir plus

#hotelriu #puntacana #laaltagracia #do #hôpital #fruit

Stayed at the hotel. Landed on Saturday, first symptoms began late Tuesday afternoon. Ate at the buffet Monday for Lunch, and a different buffet on Tuesday morning for breakfast. The following day the diarrhea started. We have only been drinking the bottled water, and brushing our teeth… Voir plus

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do

Our group ate at Bavaro buffet for supper Feb 8, 2020. Middle of the night 3 members were up violently ill; vomiting, diarrhea, fever/chills that carried into the next day. Took them about 2 days to recover. Suspect it was either the mussels or beef steak contaminated.  | Symptômes: Diarrhée, Nausée, Vomissements, Fièvre, Frissons

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do #boeuf #steak #moules

Day and 1/2 in to the holiday.... violently sick , diarrhoea and fainting . My daughter followed suit a day later ..... we were in bed 3 and 1/2 days! Very. Very ill. Probable cause the ice..... water .... or from the buffet. The hotel paid for… Voir plus

#buffet #hilton #losmelones #laaltagracia #do #hôpital

Arrived Jan 30, 2020 with a group of 11 adults. Second day into trip we spent the day at the side pool. Few of us had a tequila shot and mojito. Simultaneously, 5 of us became very ill. Vomiting, could not stand up, passing out and blacking… Voir plus

#puntacana #laaltagracia #do