E. coli Suspected: Restaurant Meal - Olive Garden, Tyler Texas
10 months ago •reported by user-jvvvt465 • business
5520 South Broadway Avenue, Tyler, 75703 Texas, United States
My niece picked up our order of Shrimp Scami and Alfredo with a piece of Taramasu and a piece of chocolate cake, along with getting 2 individual salads. She ate her meal and very little of salad. I ate part of meal and all of salad. I started feeling nauseated 2/18, aches and what I thought was maybe a UTI beginning. I went to Dr, did urinalysis and did have UTI. After 7 days not better with taking Cipro. Turned in another urinalysis 3-1 so cultural could be grown, findings ORGANISM: ESCHERICHIA COLI50,000-100,000 CFU/mL of Escherichia coli.
Started first day of Macrabid today. Ran 102 tempature very very sick and have lost 2 weeks of work. Am contacting City of Tyler. | Symptoms: Nausea, Diarrhea, Fever